It can be a challenge to manage your foreign currency costs, avoid high bank fees and protect yourself from market volatility.
At Mercantile FX, we can help you with both.
All Your Currency and Online Payment Needs in One Place
Any business operating in the global marketplace requires multiple products to efficiently and cost-effectively manage diverse foreign currency transactions. At Mercantile Exchange we provide you a dedicated currency trader who works with you – one specialist who will learn all about your business.
With a deep understanding of market and your business, this trader will then create currency and payment solutions to match your business needs.
Helping Your Margins
We offer many options to ensure you do not risk your profit margins – use our forward contracts to lock in an exchange rate that you like, or get a competitive rate on a spot order when you have an urgent payment. Avoid currency volatility with forward contracts or market orders. Then pay your suppliers directly with our Global Payments.
Mercantile Exchange Offers Competitive Rates and Low Fees
Avoid banks’ high markups on currency exchange. Lower your costs. Improve your bottom line.
Mercantile Online
With Mercantile Online you can open accounts in multiple currencies and send cross-currency international wires at your convenience. Your system will be fast, secure and easy to implement – free of charge, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.